Thursday, March 18, 2010

Would be geniuses

From Gertrude Stein, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (required reading, in my opinion, for stylists aspirational and otherwise):
Before I decided to write this book my twenty-five years with Gertrude Stein, I had often said that I would write, The wives of geniuses I have sat with. I have sat with so many. I have sat with wives who were not wives, of geniuses who were real geniuses. I have sat with real wives of geniuses who were not real geniuses. I have sat with wives of geniuses, of near geniuses, of would be geniuses, in short I have sat very often and very long with many wives and wives of many geniuses.
Also: antique typewriters! (Courtesy of my father.)

1 comment:

  1. I must admit that I have never quite got around to reading this - but I have read Two Lives (Alice and Gertrude) by Janet Malcolm which is extremely interesting. I will have to get around to the primary source!

    Thanks for sharing

